Ensuring safety at sea,
Prevent loss of life and injuries,
Prevention of marine pollution and cargo damage,
To ensure that safety precautions are taken regarding ship operations,
Providing a safe working environment,
To assess all possible risks to the ship, personnel and the environment and to take appropriate protective measures,
Continuous improvement of the knowledge and capabilities of both shore and ship personnel for emergency situations in relation to safety and environmental protection,
Ensuring compliance with national/international maritime rules that must be complied with both in terms of personnel qualifications and ship equipment and operation;
Consideration of applicable codes, regulations and standards required by IMO, administrations, classification societies, maritime industry organizations.


In order to achieve our goals, following safety and environmental protection policy has been established as a company;
Ensure all ship employees fulfill their duties in a safe working environment,
Make the necessary arrangements and take the necessary measures to ensure safety on board and to prevent pollution risks,
Develop and maintain a safety and environmental protection program with the commitment of all our staff,
Identify all known or potential risks, to take the necessary precautions against hazards and to examine the causes of their occurrence in order to prevent their recurrence in the future,
Verify applications and activities are carried out in accordance with written operating system procedures,
Ensure continuous review of all international rules, regulations, codes and recommendations of industry organizations according to the type of vessel operated and cargoes carried,
We expect all our employees to comply with the Safety and Environmental Pollution Prevention Rules and procedures at all times and to take all necessary measures to protect themselves, their colleagues, ship, ship's cargo and the environment.


Company has decided to keep alcohol and drug use under control on ships in fleet. Our aim is to prevent damages to human life, national wealth and the environment as a result of accidents caused by alcohol and drug use.
In order to realize this aim, the following rules are applied;

This policy will be posted in appropriate places on the ship and all personnel will be made aware of it.
Use and possession of marijuana, cocaine, cannabis, phencyclidine, amphetamine and all similar drugs and their derivatives by the crew is strictly prohibited. (Drugs in the possession of the Ship's Captain and officially declared for medical purposes are excluded).
Alcohol use that may affect work performance is prohibited. All personnel shall refrain from drinking alcohol 4 hours before their scheduled shift duties or work. On the other hand, crew will ensure minimum consumption even outside of work time.
The alcohol level of personnel on shift duty shall not exceed - 0.5 BAC / Promil - 0.063% / Blood alcohol content by volume - In case of doubt, blood alcohol content will be measured.
Sale of drugs and alcohol by ship personnel is strictly prohibited. Company will coordinate with and assist the authorities to identify and punish such persons. In countries where the use of alcohol is strictly controlled or where the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, the crew will comply with the rules in those countries.
It is forbidden to keep alcoholic beverages in cabins.
Engine and deck officers will never hand over shifts to alcoholic persons and the situation will be reported to the captain or chief engineer.
It is forbidden to offer alcohol to the pilot on duty.
Before departure from ports, officers will check all searchable places and search for drugs and the result will be communicated to the captain. In the meantime, unused places such as stores, cupboards, etc. will be kept under lock and unused places will be prevented from hiding drugs. In addition, an officer in charge will continuously inspect the places such as the mess, dye house, store, etc.

Disciplinary action will be taken against those who do not comply with the above rules, and various disciplinary penalties will be imposed until they are dismissed from work and, if necessary, sent to the judiciary legally.


Company recognizes that its activities involve potential hazards and considers creating a safe and healthy environment for our crew and third party employees as a priority policy. Flag, IMO, ILO requests and recommendations are taken into consideration while developing this policy, and it has been made more detailed with the entry into force of MLC 2006.

Follows safe, environmentally friendly work procedures and practices during operations.
Complies with legal obligations regarding the protection of occupational health and safety.
Effectively prevents accidents and activities that may cause accidents through accident/incident reporting and investigation, and risk assessment methods. The establishment of effective Ship Safety Committees is also supported by the management.
Ensures the exchange of information on health and safety issues with all crew and supports their active participation in activities to prevent accidents.
For our policy to be effectively implemented, it must involve everyone. Therefore, all employees support management's efforts to operationalize the policy and take responsibility for working safely. Under no circumstances will they engage in activities that jeopardize their own safety or that of their colleagues.
Crew are entitled to emergency medical visits at every port. Cost of these visits will be borne by the company and staff will not be compensated.
Company ensures that the necessary training for protection against occupational diseases is provided to the crew members. It takes precautions against occupational diseases as far as possible.
Crew are provided with the necessary training on sexually transmitted diseases and are informed about the issues to be considered.
External factors such as vibration, noise and temperature that adversely affect the work, performance and especially the health of the crew are reduced as much as possible and a favorable working environment is provided for the crew.
Company provides all necessary personal protective equipment to its ships according to the working area of the ship, the way of working, the characteristics of the cargoes it carries.
It is ensured that all of the machinery, engines, various equipment in the engine room, steering room, decks, stores, etc. (in short, in all compartments of the ship) have their enclosures available. Every situation that poses a threat to crew health and safety has been eliminated.
When a job is assigned, it will be checked whether the person to whom the job is assigned has the relevant knowledge and if not, he/she will be supervised by a more experienced person until he/she learns the job.
When the relevant supervisors assign tasks to crew, if the crew states that they cannot fulfill the assigned task due to an acceptable excuse, they will assign this task to someone else.
Rest hours are respected as much as possible to eliminate fatigue. Crew member who have to work or intervene during rest hours in emergencies are rested immediately after the incident in a way to compensate for these periods.
Harms of drug and alcohol use informative training will be given to all crew member.
The needs of the personnel will be met according to the seasonal conditions and the voyage area of the ship. Decisions taken by the Ship Safety Committees are supported by the company.